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今年度(2023年)太平洋鄰里協會年會(PNC 2023)於11月3~5日假日本沖繩琉球大學(The University of the Ryukyus)舉行,會議主題為「巨變—全球人文、科學及商業的更新、革新與解決之道」(Sea Change: Renewal, Reform and Resolve in Global Arts, Sciences, and Business),匯聚全球知名專家學者,共同探討數位科技對於人類社會文化的革新;今年度本專題中心研究人員共有參與三場議程。
PNC 2023會議網站:https://sites.google.com/view/pnc2023
Author: Richard Tzong-Han Tsai (蔡宗翰研究員)
Topic: Paraphrase Identification and Visualization in Historical Research: A Preliminary Case Study on the Chenghua Liting Incident
Session: Digital Humanities and Machine Learning
Authors: Tyng-Ruey Chuang (莊庭瑞副研究員), Cheng-Jen Lee, Chia Hsun Wang
Topic: Looking Back and Ahead: Five Years in the Running of an Open Repository for All
Session: Data Infrastructures and Services for Collaborative Research
Author: Ta-Chien Chan (詹大千研究員)
Topic: Exploring the Correlation Between Green View Index and Ambient Temperature Using GeoAI and Street View Imagery in Taipei City
Session: Data Science