Digital Humanities
c/o Department of History
Lancaster University
Lancaster, LA1 4YG, UK
Room: B58, Furness
Tel: +44 (0)1524 594967
Fax: +44 (0)1524 846102
E-mail: I.Gregory at lancaster.ac.uk
BA: Geography (Lancaster University)
MSc: Geographical Information Systems (University of Edinburgh)
PhD: Historical GIS (University of London)
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Current Teaching
• Hist426 - Digital approaches to the Humanities
• FASS525 - Geographical Information Systems in the Humanities and Social Sciences
Research interests
1. The use of GIS technology to study long-term change in the societies of Britain and Ireland in particular through the nineteenth and twentieth centuries.
2. Developing an understanding of what GIS has to offer to historical research more generally and developing Historical GIS as an established field within history.
3. Using computing technology across the humanities and social sciences to gain a better understanding of the past.
For more information about Dr. Ian N. Gregory, please refere link as follows: