首頁 > FOSS > 國際航遙測學會(ISPRS)設立空間資訊開源程式推廣工作小組


2017年6月6日 發表評論 閱讀評論

國際攝影測量及遙感探測學會(ISPRS, International Society for Photogrammetry and Remote Sensing)下第五委員會:教育與延伸服務(Technical Commission V:Education and Outreach)新設立了一個工作小組(Working Group V/8):Promotion of Open Source on Geospatial Technology,以”開源程式,開放世界”為理念,推廣空間資訊開源程式與開放資料,由國立成功大學測量及空間資訊學系林昭宏教授擔任主席,國立成功大學測量及空間資訊學系王驥魁副教授擔任秘書長。

About ISPRS WG V/8
ISPRS Working Group V/8 aims to promote open source and the development of free software on geospatial technologies, mainly in the fields of photogrammetry, remote sensing, and GIS. To facilitate this, the WG organizes joint sessions, tutorials and webinars to promote and exchange the experiences of open source development. The WG will collaborate closely with OSGeo and other ISPRS working groups, and will cooperate with other local and international groups to promote and contribute to open source. The promotion of open source can provide us free software and make accessible the latest geospatial technologies to the wider ISPRS community.

此外,國際地圖學會(ICA, International Cartographic Association)下也有設立一個開源地理空間技術委員會(Commission on Open Source Geospatial Technologies)

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