The 4th International Conference on Asian Network for GIS-based Historical Studies (ANGIS Taipei Meeting 2015) , which is to be held on December 4~6, 2015 in Taipei, Taiwan.
ANGIS Taipei Meeting 2015, aims at bringing together researchers from the world and providing them with a high-qualified platform for them to share their latest studies and inspiring findings. With passionate participants from the world, would be perfect for you to present your research and find collaboration for your future work.
Submitted abstracts should include title, an abstract of 150-300 words, 3-5 keywords, as well as the author’s name, affiliation & position, contact phone number, mailing address, and email. The papers will be reviewed. Please submit your abstract before June 30, 2015.
Abstract submission should be done at:
Call for Paper opens: 20 Mar. 2015
Submission of abstract: 30 June 2015
Notification of paper acceptance: 15 Aug. 2015
Camera-ready full paper: 30 Oct. 2015
Early registration due: 31 Oct. 2015
Online Registration due: 2 Dec. 2015