大澤 顯浩(2019) ギメ美術館図書館所蔵の東アジア関係地図について : ヴィシエール・コレクションを中心にして,言語・文化・社会 (17), 33-61, 2019-03
The Chinese maps of the Vissière Collection are not very familiar. However, in the 2018 exhibition “The world seen from Asia: Le Monde vu d’Asie” held by the Guimet Museum (Musée national des arts asiatiques Guimet: MNAAG), various old maps and pictures relating to Japan, China, Korea, Southeast Asia, Tibet, Central Asia and West Asia were exhibited. The exhibits included items from the Vissière collection, which attracted attention. The Vissière collection was donated to the National Museum of Asian Arts Guimet Library (the Guimet Museum Library) in 1973 by the daughter-in-law of Arnold Vissière, and it is made up of important books and 105 maps. It is thought that the maps collected by Vissière are mostly the ones obtained by him doing diplomatic service in late- Qing Dynasty China. Together with other added after he returned to Paris. Many of the maps in the collection items concern military affairs and administration, and were created by public institutions in China. They include rare items such as prefectural maps, illustrations of tombs, prison plans, and so on. There are also maps concerning waterways such as the Grand-Canal and the Yellow River. The collections also reflects Qing relations in the 1880s and 1890s with Japan, and with Russia over Korea. There are relatively many maps of the northeastern part of China including the Manchuria-Korea border, and there are maps of Indochina, including the French colonies, and of Southwest China including Yunnan 雲南, Guangxi 廣西. There are other maps of various places in China, a map of the provinces including Central Asia, etc. Among these are maps published in Japan and the UK. The Guimet Museum Library also includes maps collected by Èmile Guimet, founder of the Guimet Museum, and route maps of Yunnan, ordered by Yunnan Consul-General Auguste François. Vissière was trying to create an accurate place-name dictionary and map of China for basic reference. Behind Vissière’collection we can see the will of French cartographers to explore the unknown world and to fill in the blank spaces. A finding map for the catalog of the Guimet Museum Library is provided in the appendix to this paper.